
Upgrade Your Scanning Experience with the New Panda Center

Thu-03-2024Product Introduction

Introducing the latest features:

1. New sleep mode: Scanning will automatically pause after 3 seconds of no operation, pick it up and continue scanning.
2. Re-scan guide: When the scan is complete, missing areas are highlighted to guide the dentist in additional scans and improve data quality.
3. Lock: Locking is now available for all scan types.
Dynamic bite: Please turn it on manually in settings. When the buccal 1 and 2 scans are complete, dynamic bite can be enabled.

The new version of Panda Center greatly improves scanning speed and model processing speed.  Are you ready for a new scanning experience? Update now https://www.panda-scanner.com/software/

Note: PANDA P2 cannot install this new software.

Watch the video: Panda Scanner | Panda Center New Upgrade (youtube.com)


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